Karen Louise Floyd

Coaching, Consulting, Editing

Karen Louise Floyd

Coaching, Consulting, Editing


American businesses lose $1.2trillion a year due to ineffective communication, suffering higher costs, slower results and damage to the brand.

That’s according to research by Grammarly. So, what’s the global loss, and how much is your organisation losing?

Effective communication is a superpower. I help native and non-native English-speaking leaders develop that superpower by leveraging my decades of global communication and public relations experience with my linguistic talents and TESOL certification.

Top leaders are compelling orators, clear and confident, able to make sense of ambiguity, and can touch hearts and influence minds with the power of their communication.

Effective communication benefits all areas of life; it can save a business and a relationship.

Use Communication Coaching to become a conscious, clear and concise communicator, and:

  • Overcome the fear of speaking at meetings, conferences and presentations.
  • Grow in confidence.
  • Develop your style to become more eloquent and remove filler words from your speech.
  • Polish, practise and perfect pitches and presentations to guarantee your desired outcome and wow your audience.
  • Rehearse for interviews to increase your chances of getting a job or promotion.
  • Explore different talking points and approaches for essential meetings to help difficult ones go more smoothly.
  • Simulate media interviews for a pitch-perfect performance and natural responses to tricky questions.
  • Rehearse for MC gigs and panel discussions.
  • Control language, emotion, tone, speed and intonation for impact and influence.


One-to-One Coaching

Written, verbal and non-verbal communication and active listening. The program is tailored to suit your individual needs. Some clients partner with me short-term for something specific, such as polishing the delivery of a crucial presentation. Other clients work with me long-term to ensure they’re continuously improving and to consult me on any communication matter.

Group Coaching

Group coaching is great fun and delivered as in-person and virtual masterclasses and boot camps covering introductions, pitches, presentations, conflict resolution, best practices for media interviews and more. Overcome the fear of public speaking in a small, safe group, rehearse with your peers, and receive feedback to improve and further develop the superpower of communication.


The process begins with a complimentary call to get to know each other, but primarily for me to learn as much as possible about you, your communication goals and your style. Then, if we’re both happy to proceed, we will confirm the number of sessions, then I will send you the Coaching Agreement and invoice, and once you’ve signed and paid, we can book the first session.

Improve your communication and public speaking skills.