Karen Louise Floyd

Coaching, Consulting, Editing

Karen Louise Floyd

Coaching, Consulting, Editing

Peernovation Coaching

Peernovation Coaching facilitates high-level teamwork to improve performance and cultivate a 'we' culture of belonging, purpose, safety, accountability, productivity and responsibility.

I’m honoured to be a certified Peernovation Coach, hand selected by Leo Bottary, whose work provides a 5-factor framework used by high-performing CEO peer groups for you to bring to whatever team you lead or happen to be a member of. Peernovation is based on more than a decade of academic research, fieldwork, and Leo’s personal experiences, where the concepts were pressure tested by groups and teams alike. The best part is that it’s a framework, not a prescription.

During a typical Peernovation in-person or online workshop, you’ll discover:

• What being a good team member at your organisation is all about.
• How to create psychological safety and inspire greater productivity.
• What accountability among team members looks like.
• How to be a better team leader.
• What it means to foster a robust learning-achieving cycle.

If you believe “the power of we begins with me” and that meeting challenges will require building the best teams possible, then Peernovation is for you and your employees.

Harnessing best practices from what CEO Advisory Groups do so well, namely facilitating the growth of members and their companies, Peernovation leverages team dynamics and strategic communication to assist companies with building higher-performing teams in the workplace.

Peernovation combines the words ‘peer’ (people like me) and ‘innovation’ (creativity realised).

Peernovation occurs when carefully selected, diverse people with a shared goal and common values come together to help each other be better, do better, and create something larger than themselves. Peernovation conversations clarify team members’ expectations of each other and the value they want to achieve from the team.

They are encouraged and guided to discover who they want to be, what they want to achieve and how, taking full ownership of their co-created action items, resulting in a much higher probability of them taking action, taking ownership and keeping their promises to each other.

The Process

Boost your team's performance and well-being with Peernovation.

Peernovation employs an eight-step process to customise the experience for each team because each team has individual needs and goals.

Depending on the team’s availability, this process can take a week or two.

1) Team leader interview.
2) Team member interviews.
3) Workshop development.
4) Half-Day Workshop.
5) Team member action plan.
6) Peernovation recommendations.
7) Team Scorecard.
8) Options for future engagement.

Book an exploratory call

Contact me to book an exploratory, no-obligation call and explore how Peernovation can help you and your team grow personally and professionally.

Boost leadership and team performance with Peernovation